Research and development in the field of building materials
The research and development work of Styromag concentrates on certain building materials
During the last 100 years we collected a lot of experience with magnesia to chloride, sulphate and phosphate-based and we passed this on to our customers. For the individual areas of application from our customers we develop the best mixtures from our range.
This is our biggest asset. Therefore, we further develop magnesia and search for new and innovative compositions.
This allowed us during the last few years to succeed in
- Development of a magnesia floor coating, both as a designer floor as well as for industrial use
- A new alkali Magnesia phosphate cement using magnesia to invent in highly active binding for fast repairs to floors and walls (including reinforced concrete).
- Magnesia hydroxide binding with polystyrene as an insulating material to optimize
- Furthermore, we are in the development of foamed Sorel cement, as insulation for walls and ceilings (also old buildings with a fire class A2 and a specific gravity below 1.0.
Even for traditional applications such as in grinding and polishing stones, the natural stone industry, we continue to develop blends to prevent undesirable results.