Quality Management
The quality of our products is an essential part of our success. Already many years prior to the certification practice of the Styromag all its fields applied in quality management.
The introduction, certification and maintenance of a documented quality management system to EN ISO 9002:1994 in 1996 was therefore an obvious (Quality Austria – Certificate Reg No 711/0).
A part of revisions to this standard were the ÖNORM EN ISO 9001:2000, the ÖNORM EN ISO 9001:2008 and the new ÖNORM EN9001:2015 . The quality management system of Styromag GmbH was redesigned and certified according to the mentioned standards.
Due to the intensive involvement of the Management in the implementation and maintenance of the quality management all system processes are continually improved.
Quality management in all areas
In order to cope with the high quality requirements, the QM system is already applied at the drill dust sample in mining and the related classification of raw magnesite. A number of additional sampling and analysis, distributed throughout the production process ensures a high quality of our products and therefore a high level of customer satisfaction.
The focus of our quality policy is on the five stakeholder customer, environment, employees, suppliers and the company. “Among other objectives our targets are to consolidate the market and to increase customer satisfaction, sustainable use of natural resources, to continuously improve the skills of our own employees, improve the cooperation with suppliers and gain profits with common interest.”